Dear Clients,
We've got you covered!
In the interest of managing the risk of COVID-19 infection and transmission, if you think that you may be suffering with symptoms of COVID-19, or if you think that you have been in contact with someone who may be suffering with symptoms of COVID-19, we would ask that you call our clinic at your earliest convenience to organise a telehealth appointment or to reschedule your appointment. We recommend this strategy also if you have any contagious illnesses, such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), chicken pox, gastro bugs, etc. We recommend that you are free of any symptoms of for at least 48 hours before attending any face to face appointments.
We also recommend that you review the Australian Government Department of Health COVID-19 medical advice page where you will find up-to-date health alerts, medical advice, and a list of symptoms -
Queensland Health is now monitoring COVID-19 as part of it's broader surveillance of acute respiratory illnesses, like influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). For access to informed and timely COVID-19 resources from Qld Health please see their website -
Additional support services are available including:
We are confident that if we all do our part and actively work together by following government medical guidelines there will be little disruption to your psychological treatment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call our friendly team. We are here to support you in maintaining good mental health ... because you matter.
Warm regards,
The Think Psyc Team